Same Day and Evening Appointments | East Lansing, Ann Arbor & Telehealth Across Michigan | 517-481-2133
Feeling down all the time? Can’t seem to enjoy the things you used to? You’re not alone. Depression and mood disorders are common mental health conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. While the symptoms can be challenging, there is hope and help available.
Depression and mood disorders are mental health conditions that are characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to function in their day-to-day life. These symptoms include feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and hopelessness that can be disabling. A person suffering from depression may also experience a lack of motivation, concentration difficulties, and thoughts of death or suicide. These conditions can disrupt a person’s ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities.
Bipolar disorder is a different but related mood disorder. It involves extreme swings in mood, ranging from periods of intense sadness and despair (depression) to periods of extreme elation, energy, or agitation (mania or hypomania).
Treatment of Depression and Mood Disorders: Psychotherapy is an effective way to resolve symptoms of depression. Your therapist will collaborate with you to help you understand the causes of your depression, and identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. You will explore experiences in a comforting and secure environment.