Our Services 

How We Help

At Therapy Today Counseling and Consulting, our therapists work with you to help you make lasting and authentic change. We provide flexible scheduling options and offer same-day therapy appointments for those in need of urgent support. Our compassionate therapists can help you navigate whatever challenges you are facing.

Same Day Appointments


Successful therapy involves collaboration between you and your therapist to define and achieve shared goals for understanding and growth. Our therapists support you with proven therapeutic approaches and techniques.

You can get help in-person or online. Visit our contact page to get started.


Get Help Where You Are

Telehealth, is a way to get the healthcare you need, no matter where you are in the state of Michigan. Telehealth uses a video call to provide therapy for patients in the comfort of their own home, office, or other private space.

Therapy Today uses Therapy Appointment, a HIPAA compliant electronic health record platform that is easy to use. We will provide you with client portal access that you will use to connect securely with your therapist for each telehealth appointment. Fifteen minutes before your appointment time, a link to your telehealth session will appear in your portal. Just click the link and you’ll be admitted to a virtual ‘waiting’ room where you will wait for your session to begin.